Caspar Commelin was a Dutch botanist and publisher. This beautiful coloured copper engraving of the Uytrechtze Poort (Utrecht Gate) in Amsterdam comes from the book Beschryvinge der Stadt Amsterdam (1693 – 1694) by Caspar Commelin.
- image: beautiful 17th-century copper engraving of The Uytrechtze Poort built in 1664 and designed by Daniël Stalpaert. The gate was part of the explanation of 1663 and the construction of the ring of canals. This gate was located on the south side of today’s Fredeiksplein, then called Utrecht Square. The gate was demolished in 1857/58 and the Palace of People’s diligence opened here in 1864.
- year: 1693
- quality: excellent
- signed: no
- image size: 27.2 x 34.7 cm | 10.7 x 13.7 in (h x w)
- sheet or frame size: 38.0 x 46.6 cm | 15.0 x 18.3 in (h x w)